What’s new in Klaviyo: November product updates
Profile photo of author Shoshana
4min read
Platform news
November 29, 2022
Learn what's new in Klaviyo this November.

There’s a lot to prioritize during November with the holiday season in full swing. For this month, we focused on launching new SMS offerings, enhanced signup form and preference page capabilities, and released new integrations. Read on for insight into these products and start incorporating them into your seasonal marketing. 

November product highlights

Cut down on copywriting time with the new AI-powered SMS Assistant

Make SMS copywriting faster and easier this holiday season with Klaviyo’s SMS Assistant.  Provide the SMS Assistant a short description of your campaign to generate examples of compliant SMS copy in just a matter of seconds.

Check out the SMS assistant and get inspired for your next campaign today.

Generate SMS copy in seconds.

SMS is now available for recipients in New Zealand

With recipients across the globe already feeling the Klaviyo SMS love, we’ve added New Zealand to the list! You can now use the same great Klaviyo features like segments and AI-powered suggested responses to send personalized text messages to recipients located in New Zealand. Be sure to check out local best practices before sending. 

Request your short code to get started with sending SMS in New Zealand today. 

Schedule signup forms to automatically display 

It’s common for brands to offer temporary discounts via signup forms during the holiday season. Instead of manually turning those forms on and off yourself, you can now schedule them to automatically display on a particular day and time. And no more setting reminders to disable forms after the holidays are over – Klaviyo has got you covered.

Schedule your signup forms in Klaviyo with ease. 

Schedule signup forms easily with the calendar view

Klaviyo’s consent pages allow your subscribers to opt-in, opt-out, and manage their preferences. We streamlined these pages by giving you a new drag and drop builder with more control, added the ability to collect SMS consent, and more. 

Check out more information about our redesigned subscriber preference pages or try the new page editor

Enhanced security and more control with scopes for private API keys

At Klaviyo, we take the security of our platform seriously and are constantly releasing improvements in this area. You can now add scopes for private API keys to this list. Increase control over who can access your API endpoints and set limitations when sharing private API keys with third parties. 

Enhance the security of private API keys in your Klaviyo account settings

Quickly test emails for optimization with the new Litmus-Klaviyo integration

With the thousands of ways emails can display across different inbox clients, it’s important for brands to get ahead of these issues. Litmus is well known for helping brands test and optimize large email sends so that they display correctly. We’re excited to announce that the Litmus-Klaviyo integration is now available

Download the chrome extension to get testing today

Personalize messages using high-intent search data with our Klevu-Klaviyo integration

Klevu tracks what customers are searching for during online shopping trips. Take data-driven personalization to the next level with our Klevu integration. You’ll have access to insightful search data which you can use to send personalized content to the best shopper profiles, powered by Klevu’s AI.  

Learn more about the Klevu-Klaviyo integration or follow these steps to connect your Klevu/Klaviyo accounts. 

New features to test this holiday season

We’re here to help make this holiday season the best one yet with our new capabilities and improvements to the platform. We’re excited to announce what we’ve been working on for next month!

Shoshana Antunes
Senior product marketing manager
Shoshana Antunes is a senior product marketing manager at Klaviyo, focused on the platform’s email and review products. She is passionate about supporting SMBs and believes they are the heartbeat of communities, and offer the ability to create generational wealth for business owners and their families. She’s spent the last 6 years in tech and 8 years in marketing working to improve experiences and processes for small businesses. Outside of work, she often has her head in a book, working toward her goal of reading 30 books in 2024. She also (mostly) enjoys doing DIY projects for her fixer upper, though she says she isn’t particularly handy. Shoshana has her MBA from Boston University.