What’s new in Klaviyo: January feature releases
Lauren Foy
2min read
Platform news
February 8, 2024
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New features to help you personalize and measure your marketing.

We’re starting the year strong with a handful of new features from January, helping you activate your data, customize your reviews experience, and more.

5 top features this month

Easily define your own conversion metrics and analyze with confidence

Create a custom conversion metric, like a subscription or in-store purchase, to get more detailed, accurate reporting and attribution in Klaviyo. Klaviyo CDP users can define up to 50 metrics to make their reporting truly custom.

Create a seamless reviews experience on-site with improved widget customization

Fully integrate your reviews widget to your on-site experience with new customization features, including support for custom CSS styling to ensure brand consistency and new on-site filters to help customers find exactly what they are looking for as they browse through your reviews.

Filter on email, SMS, or mobile push marketing consent in your flows

Easily add channel-specific segment filters to your flows. Use definitions like can or cannot receive marketing – filtered by email, SMS, and push notifications – to group customers into channel-specific flows, without any guesswork.

Control your SMS and push campaign recipients with new send settings

A much-loved feature for email campaigns is now available for SMS and push campaigns: you can choose to automatically recalculate your qualified subscribers seconds before sending scheduled campaigns or restrict your audience to the segment members who qualified at the time you created the campaign.