What’s new in Klaviyo: February feature releases
Lauren Foy
2min read
Platform news
April 26, 2024
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New features to help you stay up to date with changing compliance regulations.

Top features this month

Use AI to quickly get help, without ever leaving Klaviyo

Ask a question and Support AI will surface the right answer in seconds. AI will even suggest relevant help center articles for more detail.

One-click unsubscribe links automatically added to email headers

Google and Yahoo’s new sender requirements stipulate that marketing and subscribed messages must support one–click unsubscribe links. All of your marketing emails from Klaviyo now automatically include one–click unsubscribe links, making it easier for email recipients to unsubscribe from unwanted mail.

Get compliant with Google and Yahoo sender requirements this April

Google and Yahoo implemented new sender requirements starting on April 1st. Follow the steps in our detailed checklist on your account homepage to make sure you’re in compliance with all requirements so that your emails reach subscribers.

Reach your subscribers at suitable times with new region-specific quiet hours

Our latest quiet hours update now utilizes subscribers’ area codes for precise location identification within the United States and Canada, ensuring alignment with their local time zones. This enhancement extends beyond basic country code identification, making your automated messages timely and considerate.

Add a proactive edge against TCPA lawsuits with Litigator Protection

Klaviyo automatically revokes consent for phone numbers previously involved in SMS-related lawsuits, thereby reducing the risk of inadvertently texting these individuals – at no additional cost to you.

Preview a segment’s membership before you create it

Troubleshoot your segment by viewing members who will be included without waiting for a segment to generate.