Nathan Harvey
Nathan Harvey
Nathan is the Principal SMS Operations Specialist at Klaviyo working across the business to drive SMS expansion, sending best practices, increasing deliverability, ensuring compliance and implementing key SMS initiatives. His background is in mobile messaging operations and aggregation and is now using his 15+ years of industry knowledge in the e-commerce messaging sector to demystify SMS and drive SMS marketing adoption for Klaviyo customers. When he is not talking SMS, Nathan loves spending time with his family, keeping active and fit, travelling and enjoying great tasting food.
Posts by this author
Nathan Harvey
22 Aug 2024
6 steps to stay compliant when sending texts in France

Learn the key regulations to send compliant SMS marketing messages in the UK, plus what 8,000 brands do to make compliance easier.

Profile photo of author Nathan Harvey
Nathan Harvey
6min read
Nathan Harvey
18 Jun 2024
Your simplified guide to SMS regulations and compliance in the UK

Learn the key regulations to send compliant SMS marketing messages in the UK, plus what 8,000 brands do to make compliance easier.

Profile photo of author Nathan Harvey
Nathan Harvey
11min read