Shoshana Antunes
Senior product marketing manager-Klaviyo
Shoshana Antunes is a senior product marketing manager at Klaviyo, focused on the platform’s email and review products. She is passionate about supporting SMBs and believes they are the heartbeat of communities, and offer the ability to create generational wealth for business owners and their families. She’s spent the last 6 years in tech and 8 years in marketing working to improve experiences and processes for small businesses. Outside of work, she often has her head in a book, working toward her goal of reading 30 books in 2024. She also (mostly) enjoys doing DIY projects for her fixer upper, though she says she isn’t particularly handy. Shoshana has her MBA from Boston University.
Posts by this author
The redesigned template library is here
Jun 22, 2023
Move faster with our redesigned template library

Picture this – your email template designer is on vacation and your boss tells you that there’s an urgent last minute campaign that needs to be sent out. You log into Klaviyo, create a new campaign, and cold sweats start to set in at the prospect of having to design this email on your own. […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
2min read
Jun 7, 2023
May release notes

Another month has come and gone! We’ve been hard at work bringing you new features that make it easier for you to take action based on your data. With new integrations and in-app assistance, our new May releases help you market to your customers more efficiently. Top features this month A redesign of our profile […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3min read
New April features just dropped.
May 5, 2023
April release notes

April was a special month with the launch of our Spring 2023 Klaviyo Product Event. Our newest features focused on optimizing omnichannel marketing. Check out new releases below designed to help you engage more customers, save you time, and help you make better decisions, faster.  Top features this month Mobile push notifications are now available […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3min read
Product update: settings page redesign
May 3, 2023
Speed up your settings workflow

The Settings page has been redesigned to improve your workflow and save you time. Gone are the days of endlessly clicking around in your Klaviyo account. Now, you can simply click your account ribbon and hit the Settings tab. Key changes to the Settings page The redesigned user interface speeds up your workflow and saves […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
2min read
Introducing the new built in campaign calendar.
Apr 24, 2023
Plan your marketing strategy with the campaign calendar

Customer retention is 90% higher when brands deliver great experiences through omnichannel marketing, but it can be tricky to get right. And with consumers demanding more personalized experiences, creating a seamless interaction across all channels is key to getting them to take your desired action.  When you have several messages going out across different channels, […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3min read
The new campaigns list view is here
Apr 24, 2023
The new campaigns list view

With the release of the omnichannel campaign calendar announced at our Spring 2023 Klaviyo Product Event, we’d be remiss if we didn’t also reimagine the list view for your campaigns. Your campaigns list view provides a high-level overview of performance, the channels you’re sending on, and the status of each item reflected in this list.  […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
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New March features to kick off spring.
Apr 3, 2023
March release notes

As we say goodbye to winter in the United States, we’re highlighting new features that help you do some spring cleaning in your Klaviyo account. Our favorites from March are focused on improved reporting with new dashboards, campaign reports, and enhanced email metric granularity. Top features this month A new homepage dashboard experience View campaign […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
2min read
New inbox provider data is now available.
Mar 31, 2023
Go deep with inbox provider data

Have you ever suspected that you had deliverability issues and wanted to see your email open rates by inbox provider? Or wanted to see if an elevated bounce rate could be attributed to a specific email domain, or was just happening across the board? Now you can answer deliverability questions like these and more with […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3min read
Introducing the new home page dashboard.
Mar 31, 2023
A new home page dashboard experience

Think about your favorite software to use. What is it about their home page that you love? Maybe it’s how clean the design is, or having relevant information front and center to help you go about your day. Whichever factor you choose, a home page should quickly inform you about where your marketing efforts stand. […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
2min read