April release notes
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Platform news
May 5, 2023
New April features just dropped.

April was a special month with the launch of our Spring 2023 Klaviyo Product Event. Our newest features focused on optimizing omnichannel marketing. Check out new releases below designed to help you engage more customers, save you time, and help you make better decisions, faster. 

Top features this month

Mobile push notifications are now available for Android and iOS

  • Push notifications have been expanded to include support for Android apps, sending deep links that direct users to a corresponding page within an app, and improvements to our iOS SDK. Learn all about mobile push here.

The omnichannel campaign calendar view is here

  • Easily view which channels you’re sending on and when, without manually maintaining a marketing calendar. Check out the new calendar view capabilities
The new campaign calendar view is here.

Better ad targeting with the Criteo/Klaviyo integration

  • Increase your return on ad spend (ROAS) by using the first-party data you store in Klaviyo to target specific audiences with more personalized ads across the customer journey. Read about our new Criteo/Klaviyo integration.

Convert social media followers to subscribers with SMS subscribe links

  • Generate a shareable link in Klaviyo that lets shoppers easily sign up for text message marketing. Learn more here.
SMS subscribe links help you grow your subscribers anywhere.

Square Online integration 

  • Deliver personalized experiences to your online and offline customers with Klaviyo’s one-click integration with Square Online. Learn more here.

Other notable releases

The new campaigns list view

  • Toggle between the campaign list view and calendar view to understand your performance and make informed decisions for your next send. Read more about new list view capabilities.

Klaviyo-hosted fonts are now available in signup forms

Facebook Email & SMS Consent Collection via Lead Ads

Using our Facebook Ads integration? Now you can sync subscribers for email and SMS collected through a Facebook lead ad into Klaviyo. This new functionality allows you to grow your SMS subscriber list and better manage consent across both channels.  Learn more here.

Shoshana Antunes
Senior product marketing manager
Shoshana Antunes is a senior product marketing manager at Klaviyo, focused on the platform’s email and review products. She is passionate about supporting SMBs and believes they are the heartbeat of communities, and offer the ability to create generational wealth for business owners and their families. She’s spent the last 6 years in tech and 8 years in marketing working to improve experiences and processes for small businesses. Outside of work, she often has her head in a book, working toward her goal of reading 30 books in 2024. She also (mostly) enjoys doing DIY projects for her fixer upper, though she says she isn’t particularly handy. Shoshana has her MBA from Boston University.