Peyton Fox
Peyton Fox
Peyton Fox has empowered hundreds of e-commerce brands to elevate their email marketing by crafting comprehensive customer journey experiences and designing emails that shine in the inbox. As the host of the podcast "The Full Inbox" and a content creator on YouTube, Peyton is passionate about helping brands of all sizes uncover opportunities to optimize their email channel. Peyton has been a Klaviyo Community Champion for 3 years.
Posts by this author
Peyton Fox
Jul 23, 2024
How to design effective marketing emails

Discover effective email design best practices. From A/B testing to accessibility and mobile first design, these tips will help enhance your email campaigns.

Profile photo of author Peyton Fox
Peyton Fox
14min read
Image has large yellow text that reads "JULY BFCM CHECKLIST"
Peyton Fox
Jul 23, 2024
July BFCM checklist

Preparation is critical for the BFCM season, so starting as early as July is encouraged. Learn how strategies such as competitive analysis and A/B testing can help.

Profile photo of author Peyton Fox
Peyton Fox
3min read