Gabrielle Pitman
Gabrielle Pitman
Gabrielle leads email and agency services at ebusiness pros. Starting as a copywriter in 2017, she now directs client strategy, emphasizing segmentation and automations to build list value. In ’23, Klaviyo recognized her as one of 12 hand-picked Community Champions and then selected her again in ’24. She advises ecommerce software developers, presents to Shopify AE’s, and teaches workshops. Prioritizing customer experience for DTC and CPG brands that want to give a luxury touch at scale, designing automations to guide a customer journey through email or SMS is one of her specialties.
Posts by this author
Gabrielle Pitman
Sep 3, 2024
September BFCM checklist

Prepare for BFCM with this September checklist. Follow these 3 essential steps for a successful Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales season.

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Image has text that reads "Flash sale ideas with templates and examples"
Gabrielle Pitman
Aug 8, 2024
Flash sale email template ideas

Discover flash sale email template ideas and examples to drive engagement. Learn how to spark urgency and enhance subject lines with AI for successful campaigns.

Profile photo of author Gabrielle Pitman