The Collagen Co. unifies email and SMS marketing in Klaviyo—and grows revenue 698% YoY
Customer: The Collagen Co.Industry: Health and BeautyPlatform: Shopify Plus
A collection of protein powders in different flavours


YoY increase in revenue from campaigns in 2023


YoY increase in revenue from flows in 2023


YoY increase in email subscribers in 2023

The Collagen Co. produces premium collagen products that deliver on taste and performance. Boasting a kaleidoscope of flavours—from Passionfruit Mango to Strawberry Watermelon—the brand’s powder collagen peptides help customers “experience the glow” in weeks, not months.

Born from a mission to help customers feel confident, radiant, and unstoppable through the transformative power of collagen, The Collagen Co. quickly became a category leader. Today, a significant portion of customers religiously repurchase from their ecommerce store.

With ambitions to scale their product range and boost recurring revenue, the brand extended their partnership with Klaviyo to include SMS—and, in the process, streamlined their entire customer journey.

Learn how Klaviyo enabled The Collagen Co. to boost CLTV with personalisation and automation


Since day one, The Collagen Co. gathered customer data with the goal of personalising every interaction with shoppers.

But email and SMS marketing were initially siloed between separate platforms—making the task of mapping the customer journey both clunky and inaccurate. Plus, paying for multiple tools was eating up valuable marketing budget.

The team recognised the perks of consolidating marketing channels under one roof. Accurate segmentation, easy analysis of customer behaviour, and the ability to serve the right campaigns to the right customers at the right time, they knew, would spark an uplift in clicks and conversions.

The missing piece? Klaviyo SMS.

“We knew that Klaviyo is a market leader for ecommerce brands, with the ability to effortlessly integrate our email, SMS, and CRM activities and connect with our customers seamlessly across channels,” says Izaak Woodley, co-founder and CEO of The Collagen Co.

We knew that Klaviyo is a market leader for ecommerce brands, with the ability to effortlessly integrate our email, SMS, and CRM activities and connect with our customers seamlessly across channels.
Izaak Woodley
Co-founder and CEO, The Collagen Co.


Unifying email and SMS marketing in Klaviyo empowered The Collagen Co. to effectively tap into everything they already knew about their customers.

With years of purchase history and real-time behaviour data for hundreds of thousands of customers at their fingertips, The Collagen Co. team could now splice, dice, and segment that information in one place to deliver targeted promotions, personalised product recommendations, and time-sensitive reordering reminders.

No longer hamstrung by disjointed tools, The Collagen Co. have scaled their customer base and automated cross-channel activity simultaneously.

After working hard to acquire new customers and grow their email list 319% YoY, the team implemented Klaviyo’s recommended flows to nurture recent purchasers—and boost retention and repeat sales.

With every interaction, the team has enriched each customer profile in Klaviyo to improve the success of their remarketing efforts—such as using dynamic product feeds to alert customers when products they’ve recently viewed or purchased are on sale.


Backed by a consolidated tech stack, The Collagen Co. swapped tedious manual set-up for precise segments, handpicked recommendations, and omnichannel campaigns delivered on autopilot.

In partnership with Klaviyo, the team has achieved personalised communication at scale. Here’s what it looks like in action:

  • Designing a replenishment flow to boost customer retention and prompting customers to conveniently reorder when Klaviyo predicts they’re running low on product—without locking shoppers into a subscription.
  • Creating custom segments based on purchase history, then automatically notifying those customers via email and SMS when a product they love is back in stock.
  • Leveraging app integrations (like Okendo’s quiz builder) to learn more about each customer’s health concerns, then deliver personalised campaigns showcasing products most relevant to their unique goals.

“Klaviyo has made it easier to remarket to our customers in different ways and increase each customer’s lifetime value,” says Nicole Mitrov, ecommerce manager at The Collagen Co.

Klaviyo has made it easier to remarket to our customers in different ways and increase each customer’s lifetime value
Nicole Mitrov
Ecommerce manager, The Collagen Co.
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