Pinterest + Klaviyo integration: more social channels for you to deliver personalized and efficient ads
Profile photo of author Anthony DelPizzo
Ecommerce industry
July 29, 2024
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Social commerce is having a moment.

US retail social-commerce sales are projected to reach $80 billion, or 5% of total US ecommerce, by 2025. That means to succeed today, brands need to deliver personalized experiences across every social media platform.

To help you do that, we’ve recently launched a new addition to our ecosystem of 350+ integrations: our Pinterest integration.

Why Pinterest? It’s a platform used by more than half a billion globally for inspiration at the intersection of search, social and commerce. As a leading full-funnel solution that drives people from discovery, to decision, to purchase, all in one place, Pinterest continues to drive impact for brands—especially those offering luxury products.

Buying intent is also high on Pinterest—recent studies show that 85% of weekly active Pinterest users have made a purchase from their Pins. That’s a lot of purchases.

On top of its massive reach and influence, Pinterest ads have been shown to deliver a 2x higher ROAS (return on ad spend) for retail brands than other paid social platforms.

Now, with the new Pinterest x Klaviyo integration, brands can leverage their first-party data in Klaviyo to effortlessly personalize Pinterest ads for their customers. As a result, brands can deliver targeted ads based on a customer’s stage in their lifecycle, taking ROAS to the next level.

First-party data in advertising is vital, yet challenging

Even if cookies are here to stay, third-party data is still increasingly limited and less reliable. Using your first-party data for personalization is absolutely critical. And first-party data in your advertising pays dividends—according to a Think With Google and Boston Consulting Group study, brands using first-party data for advertising have achieved a 2.9x revenue lift and a 1.5x increase in cost savings.

But the problem is getting data to your ad platforms efficiently. With a fragmented tech stack of organic, paid, and owned channels, the resources to personalize paid campaigns based on ecommerce and owned channel data—like purchase history and SMS engagement—are often lacking.

You need to custom build and maintain connections, or manually export and import data across multiple platforms. In either case, it takes a significant amount of time and money just to get your data in the right place.

As a result, it’s often faster to target purely based on previous advertising engagement and basic demographics, skipping the deeper personalization that really drives ROAS.

And this speed comes with its own set of costs. Directing paid acquisition campaigns at your existing email and SMS subscribers can waste ad spend. Plus, the messaging may not align with their stage in the customer journey.

Fortunately, with our newest social integration, you no longer have to choose between speed and tailoring your advertisements on Pinterest.

Omnichannel marketing powered by Klaviyo and our ecosystem

With our robust integration ecosystem, our commitment to helping brands power smarter digital relationships doesn’t stop at Klaviyo-owned channels, like email, SMS, and push. The more integrations you leverage, the more data you can pull in from (or push to) different systems to create more personalized experiences—making Klaviyo your centralized source of customer truth.

The Pinterest integration is an exciting next step for Klaviyo as we continue to expand our integration ecosystem.

Top use cases with the Klaviyo x Pinterest integration

With the Klaviyo x Pinterest integration, you can seamlessly create more personalized Pinterest Ad campaigns by building audiences that target or exclude key segments of your subscriber base. No developer hours needed—it only takes a few clicks.

Here’s what you can achieve with this powerful integration:

  1. Create actalike audiences to grow your customer base: Build actalike lists of potential new buyers based on your highest-value customers, like an RFM-based Champions segment.
  2. Retarget high-intent segments to drive conversions: Target segments like cart abandoners or previously engaged customers to re-engage them and drive revenue.
  3. Exclude unlikely-to-buy segments to save ad dollars: Exclude specific lists or segments from your Pinterest campaigns, like recent purchasers or customers with open support tickets, to optimize your ad spend.

And that’s just the beginning.

Learn more about creative ways to use the Klaviyo x Pinterest integration.

Power smarter digital relationships with Klaviyo.
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Anthony DelPizzo
Anthony DelPizzo
Senior product marketing manager
Anthony DelPizzo is a senior product marketing manager at Klaviyo, where he helps bring new products to market. He strives to drive customer adoption and engagement through various marketing and enablement tactics. Anthony loves diving deep into data to solve problems and to create better experiences for customers. Outside of marketing, Anthony is a lover of live music, natural wine, and classical film (early 2000s rom-coms).