Rob Hand
Product Marketing Manager, SMS-Klaviyo
Rob Hand
Rob has been at Klaviyo for over 4 years where he’s grown into several roles including Principal Customer Success Manager, helping customers strategically grow their business. He discovered his passion for SMS marketing and has since joined the Marketing team as the Product Marketing Manager for SMS. In his free time, Rob is a cyclist and runner.
Posts by this author
Rob Hand
Oct 3, 2022
Reply to customer questions faster with Klaviyo’s AI-driven Suggested Responses

Klaviyo’s SMS Conversations allows brands and subscribers to communicate directly using two-way text messaging. Earlier this year we added the ability for brands to create “Quick Responses” or pre-written replies to commonly asked questions within Klaviyo’s SMS settings. Klaviyo’s release of “Suggested Responses” now makes responding even easier by using AI to evaluate incoming messages […]

Profile photo of author Rob Hand
Rob Hand
3min read
Rob Hand
Oct 3, 2022
Drive more back in stock purchases with MMS messages

Klaviyo’s Back in Stock flows allow brands to automatically notify customers when an item they expressed interest in is available for purchase again. With Klaviyo, brands can send these notifications to subscribers with either email or SMS. This latest update to the back in stock flow allows brands to use MMS dynamically in their flow […]

Profile photo of author Rob Hand
Rob Hand
3min read
Klaviyo product release
Rob Hand
Sep 1, 2022
Provide best-in-class customer support with Zendesk and Klaviyo SMS

Soon to be a distant memory will be the days of calling a support line, chatting with a bot, or scouring a website for a place to send your question via email. As an alternative, businesses are providing a better customer service experience by offering 1:1 support with SMS. The businesses adopting SMS as a […]

Profile photo of author Rob Hand
Rob Hand
5min read