Programmatic access for

Customer-first features for

Get more from your ad spend with Google Ads audience targeting
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Rules-based product recommendations
Make more precise recommendations to help customers find their next favorite product.
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Klaviyo’s email editor, showing the insertion of dynamic content for rules-based product recommendations.
Show up on phones as your brand, instead of a random number
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Text with (not at) customers in the UK and Australia
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A two-way text exchange between a brand and their customer, asking if the customer has any questions.

Rapid creation and insights for

Campaign performance by segment
See how campaigns perform with different audiences, so you can be more strategic about future campaigns.
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Klaviyo reports showing bounce and open rates split out by segments (30-day engaged, 90-day engaged, and unengaged).
A/B testing for automated flows
Spin up email variations fast. Klaviyo finds the winner and switches to it automatically.
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Close-up of an A/B test report showing that variation B got an 82.3% win probability.
Instantly bring legacy email templates into the new editor
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Available blocks from Klaviyo’s email template editor, like text, image, split, social icons, and more.