Optimize Performance

With your base strategies in place, it’s time to optimize. Learn how to gather more customer data, A/B test, and fine tune your retention strategy.

Go ahead and log into your account so you’re ready to complete the step-by-step guidance below.

Your 3 key objectives
Maximize profile data

Gather more customer data through progressive profiling

Messages that are tailored to your subscribers’ interests are more impactful, but first, you need to learn more about them.

Klaviyo “create form” screen with fields to add a form name and dropdowns to select email and SMS subscriber lists.

Identify what you’d like to know about your customers based on your business, like wedding date, type of pet, or skin type, and add an input field to your sign-up form to ask. Use additional forms like a multi-step flyout form to learn more about your subscribers after sign up.

Learn how to use forms to collect more data

Klaviyo “create form” screen with fields to add a form name and dropdowns to select email and SMS subscriber lists.
Maximize profile data

Create powerful segments using profile data

Use the data you’ve collected and stored to create new segments that can be used to target campaigns, forms, flows and more.

Klaviyo screen for the segment builder, with the segment named “Positive reviewers”, created with customers hwo have submitted a review with a 4 or 5 rating.

Klaviyo Reviews allows segmentation by rating and by feedback collected through custom questions in the review. If you use a different tool to collect customer reviews, make sure that data is syncing to Klaviyo so you can use it in segmentation.

Learn how to create segments with customer review data

Klaviyo screen for the segment builder, with the segment named “Positive reviewers”, created with customers hwo have submitted a review with a 4 or 5 rating.

Resources to inspire your growth

Experiment and refine

Put your customer data to work

Profile data, whether automatically collected or provided by the customer, can be used to tailor your message to your recipient and increase their chance of converting.

Flow trigger. When someone is added to newsletter list, send email 1 (Thanks for signing up), wait 3 days, then send email 2 (Follow us on social media).

Customize your welcome series and add branches to send unique messages based on custom profile properties collected at sign-up, or other information like purchase history.

Learn how to branch your welcome series based on profile properties

Flow trigger. When someone is added to newsletter list, send email 1 (Thanks for signing up), wait 3 days, then send email 2 (Follow us on social media).
Experiment and refine

Drive more conversions with A/B testing

Increase campaign open, click, and conversion rates through experimentation and testing.

Campaign A/B test screen. Test types to choose from: test content, or test send time. Test content is selected. A has white buttons, B has green buttons.

Learn how to set up and run a campaign A/B test, how to read the test results, and a few use cases for A/B testing campaigns.

Learn how to A/B test email campaigns

Campaign A/B test screen. Test types to choose from: test content, or test send time. Test content is selected. A has white buttons, B has green buttons.
Experiment and refine

Maximize engagement with experimentation

Focus experimentation on driving better engagement across your marketing funnel.

Klaviyo Focus Send dashboard displaying email open rate per hour and best send time recommendations.

By carrying out a Smart Send Time test, you can find which send time yields the best engagement from your audience to improve the performance of your campaigns.

Learn how to perform and analyze Smart Send Time tests

Klaviyo Focus Send dashboard displaying email open rate per hour and best send time recommendations.

Resources to inspire your growth

Improve retention

Automate repeat purchases with retention flows

Automate your retention marketing with flows that drive conversions and target high-intent shoppers with the perfect message.

Flow: When someone subscribed to back in stock, wait until item is back in stock, then send email.

Learn how to build a Klaviyo back in stock flow to alert customers about inventory if you are using the Shopify, BigCommerce, or Magento 2 platforms, or have an inventory-aware custom catalog feed.

Learn how to build a back in stock flow

Flow: When someone subscribed to back in stock, wait until item is back in stock, then send email.
Improve retention

Expand your SMS program

Advance your SMS program by adding SMS throughout the customer lifecycle and move toward parity with your email strategy.

Segment for SMS errors defined as: Person can receive SMS, and device unreachable once in last 30 days, or device disconnected once in last 30 days, or device disconnected twice ever.

Avoid wasting SMS credits by sending texts to numbers that recently had a temporary error. Create a segment to exclude these numbers from receiving texts.

Learn how to create an SMS error segment

Segment for SMS errors defined as: Person can receive SMS, and device unreachable once in last 30 days, or device disconnected once in last 30 days, or device disconnected twice ever.
Improve retention

Manage your audience to keep deliverability strong

Email inbox providers actively monitor how often your recipients engage with your emails, and you should too. Be more efficient with every send by maintaining an active and engaged list of subscribers.

Unengaged profiles segmented defined as: created at least 90 days ago, no email opens or clicks in last 90 days.

Use a segment of unengaged subscribers as an exclusion audience when sending campaigns to general lists to protect your deliverability.

How to clean your list to maintain good deliverability

Unengaged profiles segmented defined as: created at least 90 days ago, no email opens or clicks in last 90 days.

Resources to inspire your growth

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