Beyond Basics

Your account is set up for success, now it’s time to focus on growing your audience faster through new channels like paid ads and SMS. We’ll also guide you through building a segmentation strategy and addressing low performance.

Go ahead and log into your account so you’re ready to complete the step-by-step guidance below.

Your 3 key objectives
Accelerate audience growth

Grow your list with fully optimized forms

Optimize your form experience to improve your submit rate and grow your list faster. Then, explore more ways Klaviyo users like you grew their lists.

Klaviyo screen showing the form builder with a toggle for including a teaser.

Form teasers appear when a pop-up has been dismissed, allowing visitors to easily re-engage with your form if they change their mind after browsing.

Learn how to add a form teaser

Klaviyo screen showing the form builder with a toggle for including a teaser.
Accelerate audience growth

Reach more people through social ad networks

Attract leads who are likely to love your brand by using Klaviyo segments to create lookalike audiences in popular ad networks.

Klaviyo screen showing Lead Ad settings for Facebook.

Reach existing and potential customers where they are. Use lists and segments from Klaviyo as custom audiences, create lookalike audiences, and sync subscribers from lead ads.

Klaviyo screen showing Lead Ad settings for Facebook.
Accelerate audience growth

Review your email performance

Review key email reports that tell you what you’re doing well and what can be improved so you can continue to grow your revenue.

Klaviyo benchmarks screen showing top performers and bottom performers.

Klaviyo’s AI-powered benchmarks compare your performance to industry peers across key metrics from open rate to conversion rate.

Get started with benchmarks reports

Klaviyo benchmarks screen showing top performers and bottom performers.

Resources to inspire your growth

Send targeted messages

Target your customers with spot-on segments

Use your account data to pinpoint the right segments for your marketing messages, and use them across channels.

After completing the actions below, explore more ways to segment your audience to increase engagement and conversion.

Klaviyo segment builder screen showing a “Brand enthusiast” segment based on their lists, how recently they placed an order, and how much they spent.

Group subscribers by their previous actions to send more relevant and targeted marketing communications.

Learn how to create customer persona segments based on activity
For complex segments, use Segments AI to simplify segment creation

Klaviyo segment builder screen showing a “Brand enthusiast” segment based on their lists, how recently they placed an order, and how much they spent.
Send targeted messages

Boost your click rate with personalized campaigns

Personalization is about tailoring the content of your message to your recipient, to create a more enticing message that drives clicks and conversions.

Klaviyo screen showing a form being built with personalization options being displayed for the form text.

A dynamic variable is a piece of information that could differ from person to person and is stored as a property that can be pulled into your email or SMS messages.

Learn how to insert personalization into text blocks

Klaviyo screen showing a form being built with personalization options being displayed for the form text.
Send targeted messages

Automate the purchase experience with flows

Continue nurturing your relationship with customers after they purchase. Strategic personalization can improve the conversion and ROI of your marketing.

A post-purchase flow triggered 1 day after someone places an order to thank them.

Your post-purchase messaging is crucial to customer retention. Explore different ways to customize your post-purchase flow to drive engagement, revenue, and loyalty.

Learn how to create a post-purchase flow

A post-purchase flow triggered 1 day after someone places an order to thank them.

Resources to inspire your growth

Reach more customers with SMS

Enable SMS in your account

Increase your conversion potential by expanding into new channels, and message customers on the channel they most prefer.

Klaviyo screen showing SMS sending numbers for regions and the ability to activate additional regions.

Before you can collect SMS marketing consent or send messages, you need to turn on SMS in your account and set up your sending numbers.

Learn how to get set up with SMS in Klaviyo

Klaviyo screen showing SMS sending numbers for regions and the ability to activate additional regions.
Reach more customers with SMS

Create an SMS welcome flow

Most text messages are read within 90 seconds, and an SMS welcome flow lets you immediately reach customers while their interest in your brand is at its peak.

A welcome flow triggered when someone subscribes to SMS, with another trigger for 7 days later sending a reminder text about their coupon.

Say hello to new SMS subscribers, and follow through on any offers promised at sign-up with an SMS welcome flow. Once you’ve set your flow live, you should publish the changes to your sign-up form to start collecting subscribers.

Learn how to create an SMS welcome flow

A welcome flow triggered when someone subscribes to SMS, with another trigger for 7 days later sending a reminder text about their coupon.
Reach more customers with SMS

Send an SMS campaign

Using a new channel can be intimidating, but sending your first SMS campaign is an important milestone toward your marketing goals.

Klaviyo screen showing the campaign calendar with the calendar view open, displaying 1 week with different campaigns listed for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Your SMS subscribers expect to hear from you, but balancing your email and SMS messages takes planning. Understand when to use each channel, and plan to start sending at least 1 SMS campaign per week.

Learn how to use email and SMS together

Klaviyo screen showing the campaign calendar with the calendar view open, displaying 1 week with different campaigns listed for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Resources to inspire your growth

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