Platform news

Platform news articles

Platform news
Apr 3, 2023
Grow your SMS list across channels with subscribe links

  Your SMS subscriber list is one of your most valuable assets. And, it’s the foundation to any successful SMS marketing strategy. The more people who opt into receiving texts from your brand, the more potential customers you can reach and the faster you can grow your revenue. While using sign-up forms on your mobile […]

Profile photo of author Jessica Schanzer
New March features to kick off spring.
Platform news
Apr 3, 2023
March release notes

As we say goodbye to winter in the United States, we’re highlighting new features that help you do some spring cleaning in your Klaviyo account. Our favorites from March are focused on improved reporting with new dashboards, campaign reports, and enhanced email metric granularity. Top features this month A new homepage dashboard experience View campaign […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
2min read
New inbox provider data is now available.
Platform news
Mar 31, 2023
Go deep with inbox provider data

Have you ever suspected that you had deliverability issues and wanted to see your email open rates by inbox provider? Or wanted to see if an elevated bounce rate could be attributed to a specific email domain, or was just happening across the board? Now you can answer deliverability questions like these and more with […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3min read
Introducing the new home page dashboard.
Platform news
Mar 31, 2023
A new home page dashboard experience

Think about your favorite software to use. What is it about their home page that you love? Maybe it’s how clean the design is, or having relevant information front and center to help you go about your day. Whichever factor you choose, a home page should quickly inform you about where your marketing efforts stand. […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
2min read
The new deliverability tab available for campaigns helps you dive deeper into email performance.
Platform news
Mar 8, 2023
Dive into your email deliverability

You need access to your most important data to make informed decisions, especially when it comes to your email deliverability.  Deliverability refers to your email landing in the inbox like you intended, or being placed in the spam folder where it may never been seen by your subscriber. There are many different factors that impact […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3min read
A better way to view consent status
Platform news
Mar 8, 2023
A better way to view profile consent status

Understanding who is consented to receive marketing is crucial to a successful omnichannel marketing strategy. The rules of who you can send to on email and SMS vary and breaking them can carry some stiff penalties. Chances are you may have some profiles that opted in for email or SMS marketing, some who unsubscribed, and […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3min read
Announcing our latest February features.
Platform news
Mar 1, 2023
February release notes

February was a busy month! We’re excited to announce new features to help you check flow performance in one click, easily review profile data, and more.  Top features this month   A reimagined flows page  New profiles API functionality – GET subscribers  Redesigned channel status box in profiles Notifications upgrade from the bell icon Other […]

Profile photo of author Shoshana
3min read