Platform news

Platform news articles

sources for each completed order
Platform news
Sep 13, 2022
Leverage your Olo integration and order data to drive more direct sales

Klaviyo has a real-time integration to sync order and user data from Olo, so restaurant merchants can use data in advanced segmentation and reporting in order to drive more repeat customers.

Profile photo of author Anthony DelPizzo
Klaviyo product release
Platform news
Sep 6, 2022
Move faster with modern SDKs

Klaviyo SDKs help developers interact with APIs more seamlessly in their language of choice. Constant updating keeps them relevant.

Profile photo of author Jon Palmer
Jon Palmer
3min read
product release header image
Platform news
Sep 2, 2022
Improve conversion rates and grow your list faster with new Coupons in Forms

Learn about using Klaviyo to include coupons directly in your forms and improve your conversion rate and list growth.

Profile photo of author Jon Palmer
Jon Palmer
5min read
product shot of a two-way SMS conversation
Platform news
Sep 2, 2022
Deliver better service with two-way SMS – available in the United Kingdom and Australia

Use Klaviyo to text directly with customers in the United Kingdom and Australia. Build relationships by having one-on-one conversations.

Profile photo of author Jessica Schanzer
Klaviyo product release
Platform news
Sep 1, 2022
Provide best-in-class customer support with Zendesk and Klaviyo SMS

Soon to be a distant memory will be the days of calling a support line, chatting with a bot, or scouring a website for a place to send your question via email. As an alternative, businesses are providing a better customer service experience by offering 1:1 support with SMS. The businesses adopting SMS as a […]

Profile photo of author Rob Hand
Rob Hand
5min read