Use advanced filters to get perfectly precise
Text, numerical, boolean (true/false), and list-based filters open up new ways to define exactly who you want to reach, as specifically as you want.
q4 2024 feature update
Ciao. Bonjour. 안녕하세요. Klaviyo now speaks 7 languages and powers smarter, more precise connections with your customers.
For your next campaign, you need to reach a very specific subset of customers. With new multi-criteria conditions, it’s easy. Now you’re fining-tuning your audience like never before, ensuring you connect with exactly the right people. Learn more.
Text, numerical, boolean (true/false), and list-based filters open up new ways to define exactly who you want to reach, as specifically as you want.
You’ve painstakingly built a complex condition and need to add a similar one? Easy. Instantly duplicate a condition and all its criteria to build intricate segments.
It’s time to build the email for your campaign. Rather than start from scratch, you pull up a previous campaign, outline the necessary changes, and instantly generate a new email that’s exactly what you need. Learn more.
You’ve made a flow that triggers when customers make a purchase. Everything looks great: the branches, delays, and messages. To ensure it’s flawless, you check how it will work for a given customer: what they’ll get, when, and why. Learn more.
You build an interactive product quiz to help newer customers who aren’t sure which product suits them. After they buy it, a thank-you text provides instant answers to any order-related questions they might have. Join waitlist.
Text customers in Denmark, Finland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden. With branded Sender IDs included at no added cost, customers will instantly recognize your brand when you text them. Learn more.
Klaviyo now speaks English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. Work in your preferred language to get in the zone and get more done. Learn more.