What is a promotional message?

In SMS marketing, a promotional message is a message you send to your subscribers to encourage them to take action, such as buying your products or signing up for your newsletter

A promotional message typically ends with a call to action (CTA), which is text that describes the action you want your subscribers to take, such as:

  • “Order now to save 30%!”
  • “Become an affiliate partner for exclusive discounts.”
  • “Explore the full collection here.”

You can use a promotional message to: 

  • Announce deals and discounts
  • Offer coupons
  • Send new product or company announcements
  • Promote and invite customers to branded events
  • Remind customers about abandoned carts
  • Offer tips on the best ways to use the products you’re selling

How to send a promotional message

1. Choose your SMS marketing platform

An SMS marketing platform lets you create, send, and track the performance of your SMS messages. It helps you comply with relevant regulations and offers features for personalization and automation.

Look for an SMS marketing platform that helps you:

  • Gather new SMS sign-ups through email CTAs, social media links, and QR codes
  • Develop an SMS sign-up form that automatically adjusts for mobile visitors
  • Expand your SMS marketing list using keywords that subscribers can text to your number to join your list
  • Reply to customers instantly
  • Create SMS flows
  • Add images to promotional messages

2. Secure your SMS sending capabilities

To reach your audience via SMS messages, you’ll need to set up a dedicated phone number. Depending on your budget and sending needs, you can acquire:

  • Toll-free numbers: They’re relatively inexpensive and ideal for testing and smaller SMS initiatives.
  • Short codes: These are dedicated and memorable numbers usually used for high-volume messaging.

Once you’ve selected your number type, you’ll receive a sender ID, which is the name or number subscribers see when they receive a message from you. Choose a sender ID that clearly represents your brand.

3. Create and upload a contact list 

Collect phone numbers from subscribers who have consented to receive promotional messages from you. You can gather numbers through:

  • Website sign-ups
  • In-store promotions
  • Your online store’s checkout

Make sure you provide a clear opt-in for each option. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991 outlines requirements for obtaining consent from subscribers before you send them promotional SMS messages.

4. Craft your promotional message

Writing an effective promotional message requires you to carefully consider its content and structure. To craft a compelling promotional message, follow these 5 tips:

  1. Keep it short: SMS messages have a limit of 160 characters, so make yours clear and concise. For example, instead of “Enjoy an exclusive 20% discount on all summer dresses for a limited time,” try “Save 20% on summer dresses. Ends Sunday!”
  2. Start with a strong hook: Make sure your offer grabs the recipient’s attention from the beginning. For example, “Free shipping on all orders today!” is more compelling than “We offer free shipping.”
  3. Personalize when possible: Include customer-specific details to make your message more engaging. Instead of a generic “New arrivals,” try “Hi Jess, check out our new sundress line!”
  4. Highlight the urgency: Create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action with phrases like “limited-time offer,” “last chance,” or “today only.” Try something like “Last chance! 50% off ends tomorrow!”
  5. Refrain from shortening links: Phone carriers view shortened links as spam and may block your messages, so you should use clear and concise CTAs. For example, try “Visit our website for more details” instead of “Click here.”

5. Find the best time to send your message

Choose a timeframe when your audience is most likely to engage with your messages. Here are the best times to send SMS messages:

  • Between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. on weekdays: Most people start their workdays during this period and check their phones before getting to work.
  • Between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. on weekdays: Most people get off from work during this period and are on their phones. To avoid the rush hour when most people can’t use their phones, schedule messages after 7 p.m.
  • Between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on weekends: People are less likely to be busy during this period, increasing engagement.
  • Between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on weekends: This is when many people wind down and prepare for the week ahead. As they do so, they’re likely to scroll on their phones, making this a good time to send marketing messages.

Finding the right time to send SMS messages to your subscribers can significantly boost your click and conversion rates.

3 benefits of sending promotional SMS messages

1. Increased customer engagement

SMS messages deliver higher click and conversion rates than other channels, fostering stronger customer relationships and driving sales. For example, a well-timed SMS with a limited-time offer can immediately interest your subscribers and drive them to make a purchase.

2. Cost-effectiveness 

With lower costs per message compared to traditional advertising, SMS marketing offers a higher return on investment (ROI). You can reach a wider audience without breaking the bank, making it a cost-effective way to promote your products and services.

3. Easy combination with other marketing channels 

SMS can complement your efforts on other marketing channels, creating a unified customer journey. You can integrate SMS campaigns into your existing initiatives on other marketing channels, such as email and social media.

For example, you can:

  • Re-engage inactive customers: Send a personalized SMS to customers who haven’t opened your emails in a while, offering exclusive discounts or product recommendations.
  • Reward loyal customers: After a significant in-app purchase, send a thank-you SMS along with a loyalty program incentive to encourage repeat purchases.
  • Exclusive offers for social media followers: Reward your followers with exclusive discounts or early access to new products by encouraging them to sign up for regular SMS updates and promotional messages from your brand.

Automate SMS marketing with Klaviyo

Klaviyo is a leading marketing automation platform that helps you create and optimize your SMS marketing initiatives.

When it comes to SMS marketing, Klaviyo offers:

Unify your customer journey across channels with Klaviyo’s seamless integration of SMS, email, and other marketing touchpoints. From cart abandonment reminders to exclusive offers, Klaviyo helps you send promotional messages that help nurture customer relationships and maximize your marketing ROI.

Sign up for Klaviyo today to take your SMS marketing efforts to new heights.

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