What is email marketing fatigue?

Email marketing fatigue happens when your subscribers start to feel overwhelmed by the number of emails they receive from you. As a result, they may become less likely to open your emails and click on links they find inside.

Email marketing fatigue can negatively impact your marketing efforts and key email marketing metrics, leading to:

  • Lower engagement: Subscribers may ignore or delete your emails, resulting in decreased engagement.
  • More unsubscribes: Overwhelmed subscribers might opt out of receiving further messages.
  • More spam complaints: Subscribers marking your emails as spam can damage your sender reputation.
  • Lower deliverability rate: A declining sender reputation can lead to increased spam filtering and reduced email delivery.

4 ways to minimize email marketing fatigue

1. Segment your lists

List segmentation enables you to separate your target audience into smaller, more specific groups based on various criteria. It helps you send relevant messages to each group, increasing the likelihood of re-engaging with your audience.

Common segmentation criteria for ecommerce brands include:

  • Demographic segmentation: Group your subscribers by characteristics like age or gender.
  • Behavioral segmentation: Divide your subscribers based on their interactions with your emails, SMS texts, push notifications, website, etc.
  • Psychographic segmentation: Segment your subscribers based on their personal interests, values, personalities, etc.
  • Geographic segmentation: Use geographic location to create segments of your subscribers based on where they reside.

2. Personalize your messages

Give your emails a personal touch by including your subscriber’s name and other elements that will make them feel special. For example, you can:

  • Recommend products based on past purchases or website behavior.
  • Mention your subscriber’s location in your email copy.
  • Celebrate a subscriber’s birthday or anniversary with a special offer.

3. Experiment with send time and frequency

Run A/B tests to find the optimal sending time when your subscribers are most active and likely to read your messages.

Here are some ideas:

  • Send abandoned cart reminders with different frequencies: Send only one reminder to one segment a few hours after abandonment. Then, send two to another segment—one a few hours after cart abandonment and a follow-up with a discount 24–48 hours later. This will help you determine which cadence results in higher recovery rates among your customers.
  • Send promotional emails on different days of the week: For example, consider sending a promotional email to one segment on a Monday and to another segment on Thursday. This can help identify which day leads to higher engagement and conversions.
  • Send product launch announcements at different times of the day: Send your message to one segment early in the morning when your subscribers are starting their day and to another segment in the evening when they’re winding down. This can reveal when your audience is most likely to open and act on your emails.

4. Maintain email list hygiene

Regularly cleaning up your email list helps you:

  • Improve email deliverability: A clean list reduces the potential of your emails landing in spam folders.
  • Increase engagement rates: You’ll be sending emails only to people who are actually interested in your content.
  • Boost ROI: By focusing on engaged subscribers, you’ll see better results from your email campaigns.
  • Protect your sender reputation: A clean list helps maintain a positive sender reputation.

Ready to send engaging emails that keep your customers excited about your brand? An all-in-one marketing automation platform like Klaviyo helps you segment your audience, run A/B tests to find optimal send times, and send highly personalized email marketing campaigns.

Sign up for Klaviyo today to start building long-lasting customer relationships.

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