What is an archived text message?

Archived messages are SMS messages you move from your inbox to a designated archive folder. Archiving messages helps organize your SMS conversations and declutter your inbox. You can access your archived messages any time, but they will no longer be visible in your primary inbox.

Why archive messages?

If you’re rolling out an SMS marketing campaign, archiving messages helps you prioritize important conversations with your subscribers

The top reasons to archive messages include:

  • Message prioritization without data loss: Archiving messages cleans up your inbox folder so that you see only those messages that need attention. But archiving instead of deleting also means you don’t lose customer data.
  • Marketing optimization: By archiving messages, you retain a detailed history of customer interactions, so you can analyze previous marketing efforts and identify what worked and what didn’t.
  • Ensuring compliance: The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) mandates that businesses must have consent before sending promotional text messages to customers. Archived messages may contain proof someone signed up or a history of past purchases in case of disputes or compliance audits.
  • Future personalization: Archived messages are a repository of valuable customer information, including phone numbers, email addresses, and conversation history. Use these details to personalize future campaigns for better engagement, retention, and conversions.

How to archive messages

Archive SMS messages in two clicks with a reliable marketing automation platform like Klaviyo. Use its robust segmentation and analytics features to identify engaged segments.

If a customer responds to an archived message, Klaviyo will automatically unarchive it and move it back to your primary inbox, so you never miss out on a potential customer.

Ready to declutter your inbox and streamline your SMS marketing strategies? Sign up for Klaviyo today!

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