What is a unique open?

A unique open represents the number of individual recipients who open an email you send. For instance, even if a subscriber opens your email multiple times, it’s counted as one unique open. This metric is important for understanding how well your campaigns and automated flows resonate with your audience. 

Unique opens vs. unique clicks

While unique opens show the total number of unique subscribers who opened your message, unique clicks capture the total number of unique subscribers who clicked on a link you provided.

Total opens and total clicks are often combined to create a metric called unique totals. This metric shows you the number of subscribers who opened your message or clicked a link.

How to get more unique opens and clicks

  1. Message engaged segments: Engaged subscribers are most likely to interact with emails from your brand, increasing the number of unique opens and improving your sender reputation.
  2. Personalize your emails: Provide personalized recommendations to make your emails more appealing to each recipient.
  3. Optimize subject lines: Write compelling subject lines that encourage recipients to open the email and click on links inside. A/B test different subject lines to find what works best.
  4. Use clear and compelling CTAs: Make sure your calls to action (CTAs) are prominent, concise, and action-oriented.
  5. Automate your emails: Set up automated flows, like abandoned cart or post-purchase emails, to capture clicks at key moments in the customer journey.
  6. Incorporate visuals and interactive elements: Use eye-catching images, GIFs, or interactive elements like polls or quizzes to draw attention and encourage clicks.
  7. Create urgency: Incorporate limited-time offers, countdown timers, or exclusive deals to motivate recipients to open the email.
  8. Highlight social proof: Include customer reviews and testimonials to build trust and encourage clicks on product links or promotions.

Ready to increase the number of your unique opens? Use Klaviyo to segment your audience, set up and automate email flows, and track every valuable metric within its dashboard

Sign up for Klaviyo today to make sure your emails always get read by the right audience. 

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